I had to chase down a problem with an AIA error handler failing
to send email today. Boy, it has been a few months since I last touched it.
Everything got blurry. I had to relearn quite a bit. Let me document the tricks
before I forget again.
1. First of all, .under {AIA instance home}/AIAMetaData/config (e.g.
make sure the two XML files are configured
Follow this link to update the AIA config: http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E17904_01/doc.1111/e17364/bldgintflows.htm#BACEGBEJ
Browse to the folder at
Source the file aiaenv.sh by executing the
following command:
Browse to the folder at
$AIA_HOME/aia_instances/$INSTANCE_NAME/config and open the deployment plan
file, UpdateMetaDataDP.xml.
Update the file UpdateMetaDataDP.xml by
inserting include tags for each resource group that you want to add to the MDS:
To upload all the files under
"AIAMetaData", add the following:
<include name ="**"/>
To upload the files copied to
"AIAComponents/ApplicationObjectLibrary/SEBL/schemas" folder, add the
<include name
In the include tag, the folder path must be relative to the
folder AIAMetaData.
Browse to
AIA_HOME/Infrastructure/Install/config. Execute the script UpdateMetaData.xml
by typing the command:
ant -f UpdateMetaData.xml
(Trick 1) Due to an AIA bug, when you
run (5) above, make sure {AIA home}/lib/aia.jar (/app/oracle/product/fmw/AIACCB/aia.jar)
is available. HOWEVER, after you finish step (5), make sure you hide that aia.jar
(rename to aia.jar.bak), then bounce your SOA server! It’s ironic that you have
to hide aia.jar in order for AIA to work! BUT, remember next time when you need to run AIA update again, step (5) above, make sure you unhide your aia.jar in order for the update to work. Also, double check on step (4) carefully, I burned several hours in the past due to a careless file path problem in the XML file on step (4).
(Trick 2) Say, you set up your error tables, for
that “Role” column, you enter the user name (e.g. “foo”) that will receive the
email notifications. According to AIA doc, you need to configure that user’s
email under {your AIA URL}/sdpmessaging/userprefs-ui (if your AIA console is
foo.com/AIA, then your link is foo.com/sdpmessaging/userprefs-ui). However, that didn’t
quite work for me either.
What you really need do is to go to
weblogic console, under security realm, users, set the email for that user (say “foo”), click “attribute” tab, then find
mail (2nd page), and enter email address over there. That is what
worked for me! The only that appears to be working under " sdpmessaging/userprefs-ui " is if you set one user as the default channel (I used AIAIntegrationAdmin).
(Trick 3), one useful trick to debug your email
problem is under “em” console.
Expand “User Messaging Service” (last link
on the left panel)
Click on “usermessagingserver (WLS_SOA1)”
On the right panel, look on the top left
corner, find the little drop-down menu (under “usermessaingserver” bold
select “Message Status” from the drop-down
Hopefully, you’ll see a list of message
action entries.
Click on the one you are interested
(failed, succeeded)
I have had luck to find out the root cause
of email issues from this page. In the case, when it shows failed, I can check the bottom to
find out the detailed reason.
Today, I found one showed succeeded;
however, we didn’t get any emails. So that prompted me to login to the putty
console, and run the mail command, like “mail foo@bar.com”,
directly, where “foo@bar.com“ is the address that the server claimed to have
sent successfully. However, my putty console test shows the recipient never get the email. As
it finally turned out that email “foo@bar.com” happens to be a distribution
list and it was not set up properly on the server.