I wrote an application that can populate the cache with X number records. Then I tested the Coherence server first with single node and different heap sizes. Then I tested multiple Coherence nodes, each with 512M heap.The results are listed below (1 single account record is about 2K when serialized):
Single node:
number of rec |
serialized size (default java format) |
in (M) | B3*RecNum | Server Heap Size |
Client Heap Size |
0 | 4 | 0 | |||||
1 | 2,236 | 0.2 | |||||
25K | 55,824,754 | 55M | 55900000 | 512M | 64M | ||
50K | 111,649,640 | 112M | 111800000 | 512M | 64M | ||
100K | 223,297,020 | 223M | 223600000 | 512M | 64M | ||
200K | 446,593,392 | 447M | 447200000 | 1G | 1G | ||
300K | 669,886,958 | 670M | 670800000 | 1G | 1G | ||
500K | 1,116,488,087 | 1.1G | 1118000000 | 2G | 1G |
As it shows, 512M heap size can handle up to 100K records. 1G heap size can handle up to 200K records. Then 2G can handle 500K records.
Multiple nodes:
In the 2nd test group, each node has 512M heap size. As it shows in the table above, when the records grow, I had to add more nodes. It also shows the each node has memory overhead. A combined heap size needs to be bigger than the heap size in the single node test case.
Finally, here is the server start script:
set COHERENCE_HOME=D:\coherence\weblogic
REM set COH_OPTS=-server -cp %COHERENCE_HOME%\lib\coherence.jar;%COHERENCE_HOME%\lib\coherence-web-spi.war;d:\coherence\myRecordType.jar;
set COH_OPTS=%COH_OPTS% -Dtangosol.coherence.management.remote=true
set COH_OPTS=%COH_OPTS% -Dtangosol.coherence.distributed.localstorage=true
set COH_OPTS=%COH_OPTS% -Dtangosol.coherence.session.localstorage=true
set COH_OPTS=%COH_OPTS% -Dtangosol.coherence.cacheconfig=d:\coherence\cache-config.xml
set COH_OPTS=%COH_OPTS% -Dtangosol.coherence.wka=devmachine
set COH_OPTS=%COH_OPTS% -Dtangosol.coherence.localhost=devmachine
java %COH_OPTS% -Xms2024m -Xmx2024m com.tangosol.net.DefaultCacheServer
Snippet of tangosol file for node 1:
<cluster-name system-property="tangosol.coherence.cluster">Grid/1_0/DEV</cluster-name>
<socket-address id="1">
<address system-property="tangosol.coherence.wka">devmachine</address>
<port system-property="tangosol.coherence.wka.port">7201</port>
<address system-property="tangosol.coherence.localhost">devmachine</address>
<port system-property="tangosol.coherence.localport">7201</port>
Snippet of <cache-config> (they are the same for each node)
Here is the snippet of tangosol file for 2nd node:
<cluster-name system-property="tangosol.coherence.cluster">Grid/1_0/DEV</cluster-name>
<socket-address id="1">
<address system-property="tangosol.coherence.wka1">devmachine</address>
<port system-property="tangosol.coherence.wka1.port">7201</port>
<address system-property="tangosol.coherence.localhost">devmachine</address>
<port system-property="tangosol.coherence.localport">7203</port>
Please note:
cluster name is the same.
wka (well known address) is the same (but it uses wka, wka1, wka2, wka3 etc)
each node runs on a different localport: 7021, 7023, 7024 etc
My understanding of "Well known address" is like a "ring leader", a new node will try to talk to this guy first when joining the node initially.
Finally, customize query.cmd under "coherence/weblogic/bin" directory, add your sample "myRecordType.jar" to the classpath and adjust member size as you need.
The CohQL command i used to dump the objects:
backup cache "TestCacheSize" to "client-test/dump-100k.txt";
You can use query like:
select * from "TestCacheSize" where key()='100008';
to check the individual record.